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Hnit Consulting Engineers offer all the traditional consulting services with regard to civil engineering. The company has enjoyed success throughout its 50 years of operating, thanks to the proficiency and dedication of its staff.


As a testimony to Hnit's excellence, most of our clients have been bringing their business to the company for decades.


Hnit's operations depend first and foremost on human resources and the company therefore endeavours to employ the most competent engineers as well as other staff members.


At present there are 38 employees, mostly engineers, geologists and surveyors.


You can see some examples of our projects here.


You can find contact information on our staff page use our email or use the form below.



   Chairman of the board is  Haukur J. Eiriksson

   Managing director is          Kristinn Gudjónsson


The company's internal structure and key employees are as follows.

Skipurit ENG 2024.GIF

The departments work closely together. Additional information can be found on each department's page.


Our full address is:


Hnit verkfræðistofa

Háaleitisbraut 58-60

108 Reykjavík



Tel: +354-5700500


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Hnit verkfræðistofa hf.,- Háaleitisbraut 58-60 - 108 Reykjavík -  kt. 510573-0729   - sími 5 700 500 - Hafa samband / Contact

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Hnit verkfræðistofa hefur verið starfandi frá árinu 1970 og sérhæfir sig í alhliða verkfræðiráðgjöf á sviði mannvirkjagerðar.

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