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Below are some examples of our main fields of expertise. You can click on the headings for more information of indivitual projects (in icelandic) with pictures.


For more information contact or use our contact form.



Construction supervision, planning and project management are important aspects of Hnit's service. Our main projects are for the Icelandic government and municipal authorities. 




(details in Icelandic)



Design of roads and highways is one of Hnit's fundamental fields of expertise. We design four lane highways as well as gravel country roads and road tunnels.

​(details in Icelandic)



Hnit has decades of experience when it comes to structural engineering. Hnit has designed simple as well as complex and challenging structures. Hnit is a leading company in the design of bubbledecks.


​(details in Icelandic)



Ever since the firm was founded in 1970 it has been a leading party in the field of high precision surveying. The existing reference networks in Iceland were by the most part constructed by Hnit. We execute projections between different coordinate systems. Of course we also offer modern simple surveying methods such as total stations and GPS.

​(details in Icelandic)



Hnit has extensive experience in the field of heating, ventilation and air conditioning design, including fire sprinkler systems design. We design water supply infrastructures and waste management systems.

​(details in Icelandic)



Hnit has at it's exposal higly skilled and experienced workforce in the field of tunneling. Hnit undertook construction supervision of two major hydropower plants in recent years, at Karahnjukar 2003-2007 and at Budarhals in 2010-2014. Hnit provided the deputy project manager at Karahnjukar Hydropower Electric Project.

​(details in Icelandic)



Ever since Hnit was fonded our biggest clients have been municipal authorities. Our engineers are some of the most experienced in the country when it comes to designing streets and urban areas. Many of our projects have involved the renovation of streets in the center of Reykjavik.

​(details in Icelandic)



Hnit offeres all general geothechnical design as well as consulting when it comes to earthmoving projects. We design all kinds of foundations; shallow foundations, piles, soil anchors, rock anchors as well as sheet pile walls , retaining walls and steep slopes.

​(details in Icelandic)

Hnit verkfræðistofa hf.,- Háaleitisbraut 58-60 - 108 Reykjavík -  kt. 510573-0729   - sími 5 700 500 - Hafa samband / Contact

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Hnit verkfræðistofa hefur verið starfandi frá árinu 1970 og sérhæfir sig í alhliða verkfræðiráðgjöf á sviði mannvirkjagerðar.

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